Welcome to
Northminster Church
Pastor Job Description
Responsibilities and Duties
The Senior Pastor shall:
1. Craft a meaningful and thoughtful worship experience for the congregation in partnership with other staff and designated lay leadership. According to our bylaws, the minister "shall be creative and prophetic." While Northminster adheres to the liturgical calendar, the pastor shall have the freedom to preach outside the boundaries of the Lectionary on those occasions when local, national, or world events warrant or on topics affecting the church as a whole. The pastor will work in harmony with the Worship Commission on those occasions when special music or other artistic elements call for integral collaboration.
2. Provide pastoral care for all members of the church family and be available and present to meet the spiritual needs of the church community.
3. Encourage all to participate fully in the life and ministry of Northminster.
4. Perform any administrative or ministerial duties, such as: visiting the sick and homebound; officiating funerals, weddings or dedications as requested as well as regular sacramental functions (baptism and communion); meeting regularly with the Coordinating Council, commissions and staff; providing counsel to the church and individuals; working within the approved financial ministry plan and encouraging healthy stewardship. Administrative duties include the day-to-day supervision of church staff.
5. In consultation with church leadership, provide educational opportunities for the congregation, including youth and children. The pastor is expected to take a kinship role in the educating and nurturing of our youth. Northminster's youth fill a vital role in our church family.
6. Articulate our church's core message of inclusion and equality in the public arena. The pastor will reach across religious and secular lines in the spirit of coalition-building to strengthen our community rather than divide it.
7. Affirm the church covenant and bylaws.
8. Cultivate a spirit of collegiality among all staff members and commissions. If matters arise that cannot be resolved at staff level, these will be presented to the Coordinating Council for discussion and resolution.
The Senior Pastor shall be accountable to the Coordinating Council and ultimately to the congregation for the successful completion of duties.
Review and Evaluation
There shall be an initial review after six months and annually thereafter. The Coordinating Council will perform the review. The purposes are to:
1. Review performance of responsibilities and duties.
2. Identify and isolate any areas that have not received adequate attention and may adversely affect mutual ministry.
3. Clarify expectations of all parties to avoid possible future misunderstandings.