Welcome to
Northminster Church
Pastor Profile
Preaching and Worship – In the Northminster pulpit, the senior pastor is to be a knowledgeable teacher, dynamic communicator and thoughtful nurturer of the congregation. Molded by the Word of God, sermons delivered from the pulpit shall be inspiring messages that church members will rely upon to enhance their daily lives. According to our bylaws, the minister “shall be creative and prophetic.
”While Northminster adheres to the liturgical calendar, the pastor should have the ability and instincts to preach outside the boundaries of the lectionary on those occasions when local, national, or world events warrant or on topics affecting the church as a whole. The pastor will work in harmony with the Worship Commission and music staff on those occasions when special music or other artistic elements call for integral collaboration.
Pastoral Care – The senior pastor’s care of the congregation is of utmost importance to church members. That means our pastor should be a person who loves and enjoys people, and is able to relate to a variety of personalities and age groups in a sincere and humble way. That is achieved by being able to discern the needs of church members and proactively meeting those needs with personal counseling, hospital/home visits, and intimate prayer.
Effective Leadership - Our bylaws state that Northminster will call “theologically trained persons to help equip and enable members to realize their full potential as ministers.” To that end, the senior pastor shall possess t he leadership abilities to enable every church member to be inspired to achieve the stated goal. And there also must be recognition of the individual talents of church members, plus the ability to recognize and promote synergies between churchgoers with diverse skills and backgrounds.
Youth – Youth and children are important to our church family. The next senior pastor will be expected to take a kinship role in the education and nurturing of our youth. There is the need to rebuild the church’s program focusing on children and teens, and the next senior pastor must have the vision to help that happen.
Visibility and Coalition Building – Northminster is unique in that it is a lay-led beacon of true Baptist principles in a region surrounded by fundamentalist churches whose interpretations of the Scriptures may marginalize persons rather than call for full inclusion of all children of God at God’s table. To that end, the senior pastor should be able to articulate our church’s core message of inclusion and equality in the public arena. This message should be delivered with love and respect for those who may disagree with our church’s core principles.
The senior pastor also must possess the vision to reach across religious and secular lines in the spirit of coalition-building to strengthen our community rather than to divide it.